14 Scientifically Proven Oolong Tea Benefits

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Oolong tea comes from the tea plant (Camilla sinensis). The common black and green tea are also made from the same plant.

The difference lies in the processing technique in which the oolong tea is semi-oxidized between green and black tea. 

Consumed before any meal, this tea invigorates the digestive system and prepares it for the incoming food. Apart from digestive benefits, a plethora of benefits have been discovered.

1. Prevents Obesity

Oolong tea helps to burn fat by increasing the fat metabolism of the body. Surprisingly, you can drop a few kilos after consuming foods like oolong tea for a few weeks.

Studies have found that the consumption of oolong tea is directly associated with obesity parameters: a decrease in body weight, waist circumference, and body mass index (BMI).

2. Reduces Heart Diseases

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Hypertension/high blood pressure and impaired blood cholesterol are the associated conditions that bring about heart diseases in a person. High salt intake and high fat intake in the modern diet are the risk factors for these conditions that eventually end up in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).

On the contrary, the inclusion of polyphenol-rich oolong tea in Asian households which is packed with polyphenols helps prevent CVDs. The polyphenols in oolong tea reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels and protect cardiac cells from aging-related injury. 

3. Helps Manage Diabetes

The rise in blood sugar levels due to inefficient functioning of insulin causes Type 2 diabetes which can be coped up by the intake of oolong tea. Oolong tea promotes glucose metabolism thereby decreasing blood glucose levels.

Oolong tea is beneficial to prevent the incidence of diabetes as well as to reduce the risk of diabetic complications in patients with diabetes. Oolong tea lowers blood glucose levels and its potency is to be used as an adjunct with oral hypoglycemic medications. 

4. Improves Gut Health

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Oolong tea is a potent alkalizer that works as an antacid for people who struggle with digestive problems. Also, it can help prevent ulcers by protecting the mucosal surfaces against inflammation.

Oolong tea also has an appreciable amount of caffeine which is perfect for igniting your gut metabolism. On the other hand, they possess anti-microbial property that prevents the establishment of bad bacteria in the gut.

The management of inflammatory bowel diseases(IBD) and digestion by empowering gut microbial health are also reported by studies making it a perfect gut food.

5. Brain Benefits

A hot cup of tea to start the day is a tradition in many Asian countries. Oolong tea has a notable amount of caffeine and introducing it to your system early in the morning can enhance your functioning throughout the day.

Adding to it, the presence of the bioactive compound L-theanine has another role to play as it is neuroprotective in function. 

The cognitive functions such as alertness, energy, and ability to focus are enhanced by caffeine whereas L-theanine has its part to play in relaxation and sleep.

6. Healthier Skin

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Polyphenols present in Camilla sinensis have emollient, antioxidative, and humectant properties that are perfect for your skin.

These properties ensure the nourishment of the skin, slow down the oxidation of cells by scavenging free radicals, and improve the elasticity of the skin, making oolong tea a food for your skin.

Oolong tea leaves are also applied topically to gain skin benefits as they are enriched with oils and vitamins. The antimicrobial properties of these leaves fight acne and put skin infections at bay. 

7. May Prevent Cancer

Numerous phytochemicals such as catechins present in plants are being continuously studied for their anti-cancer properties.

These natural compounds have fewer adverse side effects on health as compared to toxic chemotherapeutic agents making their studies even more demanding for the treatment of cancer. 

Like any other tea, oolong tea is also packed with phytochemicals that have been shown to inhibit and kill cancer cells. Theasinensins and EGCG are the major catechins present in oolong tea which prevents cancer.

8. Prevents Bone Loss

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Osteoporosis is a condition in which the quality of the bone structure is diminished as the bone mineral density and bone mass decrease. The consumption of oolong tea boosts mineral bone density hence preventing osteoporosis.

The anti-oxidative properties that reduce the oxidative stress of bone cells also promote bone health. Drinking oolong tea has also been shown to significantly reduce bone loss in postmenopausal women.

9. Promotes Hair Growth

Improved blood circulation and increased blood flow in the region of hair follicles help to maintain the health of the hair.

The presence of caffeine in the oolong tea helps to increase the circulation to the hair follicles thereby supplying enough nutrients and oxygen to the hair. This prevents unwanted hair damage, bristling, and loss of hair.

10. Treat Eczema

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Eczema is a kind of skin infection in which the skin becomes dry, itchy, and inflamed. This condition is common in children and mainly is due to allergens. The anti-allergic properties of oolong tea polyphenols are said to be best for the treatment of eczema by dermatologists. 

A few cups of oolong tea not only affect mild to moderate eczema but they are also found to be effective against severe forms of eczema. Drinking oolong tea is said to be more efficient in treating eczema than tea-based topical products by the studies.   

11. Supports Immune System

The immunity system in our body helps us to get rid of pathogens that make us sick. The consumption of oolong tea supports the production of immune cells which helps to fight off infections.

Also, the antimicrobial property possessed by oolong tea is known to inhibit the growth of pathogens supporting oral health, gut health, and overall health.

The presence of antioxidants in oolong tea blocks the damage of the cells. Also, the antimicrobial property of oolong tea protects the body against infections keeping the body healthy.

12. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

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Apart from improvement in cognitive function, the consumption of oolong tea also helps in reducing stress and anxiety. A warm cup of fragrant herbal tea is already a moodsetter. When you start sipping it, the polyphenols it carries start to do another magic in your system.  

The compound L-theanine present in oolong tea is known to increase the production of happy hormones serotonin and dopamine. Also, the production of mood-regulating chemicals GABA is uplifted by this compound. GABA creates a state of calmness.

13. Reduces Chances Of Stroke

Stroke also called brain attack is the condition of a blockage in the blood supply of the brain. This is a multifactorial disorder and is a case of medical emergency.

Following a healthy diet can prevent such type of severe conditions and studies have indicated polyphenol-rich oolong tea to be one of the healthy foods that reduce the chances of long-term ailments like stroke.

14. Full Of Antioxidants

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The semi-fermented oolong tea is packed with antioxidants. Polyphenols and theaflavins are major antioxidants present in oolong tea. The antioxidants protect the cells of the body against the damage created by free radicals. This prevents any kind of chronic diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes that come along with the damage of the cells.  

These antioxidants are protective in function and uplift the action of the immune system. Also, these antioxidants keep the function of all organs intact. As aforementioned, drinking oolong tea daily helps to get us fit and healthy. 

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